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Radically Versatile

The SWITCH is one of the most versatile harnesses in our range. It is reversible and modular, giving you a range of options to use for speed flying, speed riding, hike & fly, and short-range XC. It’s durable and full-featured, for pilots who want options.

  • Removable ultralight back protection
  • Sleek & compact speed flying mode
  • Paragliding mode with back protector & under-seat reserve
  • Full featured backpack for speed riding / flying

Speed Flying / Riding

When you want a compact and sleek harness for speed flights, zip off the back protector and reserve compartment for a low profile and comfortable configuration.


Paragliding / Soaring

Adding the ultralight inflatable pack protector and reserve compartment makes the SWITCH an ideal choice for extended soaring flights, or any application where a reserve and protector is desired. The protector is inflated using the included inflation bag, allowing quick and easy setup with excellent impact protection.

The Backpack

With ski / snowboard carry system, compression straps, hydration access, and a comfortable and ergonomic support frame, the SWITCH pack is a joy to carry. The reserve compartment is secure while in pack mode, but allows easy extraction in the case of a reserve deployment. In flight, the back storage compartment can be compressed via zipper to reduce the storage profile when desired.


Harness Structure & Design

The SWITCH harness is a hybrid design, with a split leg & bucket seat combination for comfortable support and precise piloting. It is a smooth transition from running, kiting, or skiing, to seated flight. Easy-access side pocket, an out-of-the-way speed bar system, and the durable two buckle closure make it clean and easy to use.



The SWITCH is sold in two versions: Slick, and Complete:

Slick Mode: Harness only, without back protection and reserve compartment. Delivers with speed-bar system and Edelrid Foras carabiners.

Complete: Harness, speed system, carabiners, plus inflatable back protection with bag-pump (to inflate the back pro), reserve container, and reserve risers including two Peguet carabiners.


  • Switch review by Alex & Tayka




S/M150 cm to 165 cm2 kg725 g
M/L165 cm to 185cm2.2 kg 725 g

* Weights may vary up to 50gm per size due to slight variations in the manufacturing of the fabric used.

    Harness Paralayang Ozone Switch

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