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The Roadster 3 is designed for pilots of all abilities, from newly qualified to advanced. It is a dedicated paramotor wing with a full reflex profile.


Pilots of all abilities will love the impeccable launch characteristics and rock-solid stability in active air and in accelerated flight. XC pilots will appreciate the R3’s overall efficiency, performance, and agile handling. This is a truly versatile wing; it is perfect for everything from basic circuits to epic XC adventures and low-level precision flying.


The Roadster 3 delivers all of the benefits of an advanced reflex profile and the patented OZONE SharkNose. The Shark Nose OZONE Reflex Profile was developed specifically for powered flight. It maintains a constant level of lift and internal pressure over a wide range of angles of attack, giving exceptional levels of stability throughout the speed range. In turbulent air, even at low angles of attack, the Roadster 3 is highly collapse resistant – the reflex profile absorbs turbulence and remains inflated even without pilot input. At high angles of attack the brake range is very forgiving, meaning that deep inputs can be made without the risk of stall.


The Roadster 3 features a new internal structure designed to increases the strength and longevity of the sail without adding weight. Further changes have been made to the twist of the wing and overall line lengths to improve roll stability and dampen the effects of engine torque, whilst improving the overall handling.


On the ground the inflation is smooth and constant in any wind speed, with a gentle and consistent rise without shooting or lagging behind, even with the trimmers set to the slow position. Due to its exceptional inflation behaviour it excels in nil-wind conditions with a low take-off speed, enabling you to launch and land in small areas.


Despite its easy and forgiving nature the most striking characteristic of the Roadster 3 is its fun and agility – it is a real pleasure to fly. The handling is easy, predictable, and forgiving, yet at the same time precise and responsive. The tip steering system maintains this high level of precision and agility whilst flying accelerated.

*This wing has passed the criteria required by the DGAC and has been load tested to the EN 926-1 standard. In addition to our own extensive testing, it has also been independently flight tested to the EN 926-2 standard without the use of the accelerator system and with the trimmers set to the slow position. Releasing the trimmers, operating the accelerator system or flying outside of the EN certified weight range invalidates any EN flight certification. 

As delivered, the wing does not conform to the EN 926-2 standard due to the inclusion of the accelerator and trimmer systems on the risers.




Number of cells4848484848
Projected area (m2)18.920.622.424.125.8
Flat Area (m^2)2224262830
Projected Span (m)8.328.699.049.399.71
Flat Span (m)10.5911.0611.5211.9512.37
Projected Aspect Ratio3.
Flat Aspect Ratio5.
Root Chord (m)2.672.792.93.013.11
Glider Weight (kg)5.015.335.655.996.28
PPG (DGAC) Weight Range (kg)55-105 65-120 80-140 95-160 110-190 
PG (EN) Weight Range (kg)55-8065-8580-10095-120110-140

* Flight tested to the EN 926-2 standard with the trimmers set to the slow position without the use of the foot operated accelerator.

* Weights may vary up to 50gm per size due to slight variations in the manufacturing of the fabric used.

Parasut Paramotor Ozone Roadster 3

가격최저 €2,893.00
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