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Product Details

Important: Electronic Headsets fixed on the helmet is mandatory for EN 966 certification.

Unfortunately some of our suppliers are late with deliveries of certain colours. We should receive them in October. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The 2 pilots pilots Piccard and Borschberg of the Solar Impulse 2 have chosen this helmet because it is light, solid, reliable and it has the certification EN 966.

We are very proud to have contributed to this incredible mission.
So we called the helmet "SOLAR X" in honor of this unique adventure.

Look at the complete web pages: 

Helmet Solar X (English)

    ICARO Helmet Solar X version 2.0 with electronic headsets

    • PT FUNFLY DIRGANTARA INDONESIA, memberikan beberapa kebijakan menarik, diantaranya:

      1. Pembayaran Cukup DP 50%
      2. Ongkir Hitung Nanti


      Klik Informasi dibawah untuk memahami lebih lanjut. Harap membaca dengan teliti, dengan membeli berarti anda sudah mengerti.

      Terima kasih.


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