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The World’s Lightest Paragliding Harness

The all new F*Lite 2 is designed specifically for para-alpinists and the most serious hike & fly pilots. The M size weighs in at only 102 grams and the S size less than 100 grams!

An optimized Dyneema thread pattern forms the structure of the harness, embedded in a sailcloth seat. Carbon fiber reinforcements provide leg support, and shoulder strap width is adjustable to further increase comfort in flight. Compared to the initial model, the carbon rod arrangement has been redesigned for better resistance and ease of use, especially on take-off.

The leg straps can be opened and are color-coded left and right for better clarity when connecting the wing, allowing easier gear-up on launch. The F*Lite 2 is speed-bar compatible and is delivered with a Dyneema line to be used as a speed bar, and with a convenient storage pouch.

Now available in three sizes to cover a wide range of pilots with improved comfort, the F*Lite 2 is EN load tested to 120kg.

To complement your F*Lite2 you may wish to use our new X-Lite connect soft maillons.

Weighing in at only 9g, these are the ultimate connectors for ultra-light wings and harnesses*. These are made of dyneema webbing with a locking aluminium toggle and have a breaking resistance of over 2 tonnes. They are fast and intuitive to secure and colour-coded for each side. The X-Lite connect may be ordered as an option with the F*Lite2.

*These soft connectors are only intended to be used between the harness and the wing. They must not be used for any other application, such as rescue parachute connections.


Sizes : S – M – L
Harness weight (without carabiners) : 97g (S), 102g (M), 107g (L)
Certification : EN1651 – 120kg
Materials : Porcher Ripstop 27g, Dyneema thread, Dyneema webbing, Carbon Fiber


    Harness Paralayang Ozone F*Lite 2

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