フライング ギアを購入する
(F038.5) Bolt 5 x 12 mm Tcei DIN912 (Set of 5)
(M180) Pipe retaining clip 08/12 mm, Bolt 4 x 20 mm Tsei and Nut with flange M4
(F073) Electronic ignition with Spark-plug cap
(M031a) Spark-plug cap (Selettra)
(F041) Flywheel without starter gearing
(F043) Cooling fan, version manual starter
(F042.5) Bolt 6 x 28 mm Tsei DIN7991 (Set of 5)
(F044) Aluminium structure hooks support
(F045) Nut 6 MA, support for hook (Set of 3)
(F046) Hook and Spring (Set of 3)
(F047.10) Copper washer Ø 6 mm (Set of 10)
(F048.5) Seeger Ø 6 mm DIN471 (Set of 5)
(F082) Flywheel with starter gearing
(F086) Cooling fan, version electric starter
(F083.5) Bolt 6 x 25 mm Tsei DIN7991 (Set of 5)
(F070.5) Washer Ø 6 x 18 mm DIN125A (Set of 5)
(M150.5) Lock nut 6MA DIN 980 and Nut 6MA DIN 934 (Set of 5)
(M035.5) Key-hole tang 3 x 3,7 mm DIN 6888 (Set of 5)
(M037) Nut with flange 10 x 1.25 mm and Ondulated spring washer Ø 10.5 x 18.0 mm
(F059) Aluminium plate support pull starter, black