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Tips for Learning to Fly with Paragliding, Make Sure Preparation is Mature

The sport of paragliding and the sensation of flying in the air make many people interested in learning to fly with paragliding. However, as is widely known, paragliding is not a sport that can be done just like that ordinary people.

If you are indeed interested in learning to fly with paragliding. So, there are many things that you need to prepare. Starting from funds, courage, time, and various other aspects. The following is a more complete explanation if you are really interested.

Things to Prepare to Learn to Fly

As mentioned earlier, if you really want to learn to fly with paragliding. The things you need to prepare are not small, even quite a lot. You also have to prepare your capital, health, and time.

Here are various things that you must prepare in advance. If you are serious about learning how to fly paragliding.

1. Prepare Determination and Mental

As mentioned earlier, paragliding is not an easy sport. You will be dealing with heights and natural conditions at heights. You have to really realise that to do sports it takes great courage.

You also need a strong mentality if you want to survive learning how to fly. Therefore, learning to fly with paragliding must start with determination and a strong mentality first.

2. How to Information About Paragliding Flying School

Paragliding is not a sport that can be done alone and just like that. You need professional instructors and teachers to learn it. Currently there are many service providers that provide paragliding flying lessons.

You can take these courses to start learning to fly by paragliding. In addition to getting an instructor. You can also rent and borrow various paragliding equipment to study.

3. Prepare Enough Funds

Learning paragliding costs a lot, starting from following an instructor. Until later give equipment if you want to have it yourself. However, you take it easy, there is always a way that you can save more. Starting from borrowing equipment to taking courses at affordable prices.

Paragliding Learning Tips for Beginners

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It is certainly difficult to start learning to fly for beginners, but actually this hobby is very possible to pursue. Here are some tips that might be useful for beginners who are learning paragliding for the first time.

1. Choose a Professional and Trusted Flying School

The first most important thing that must be considered in running this hobby is choosing a flying school. This is very vital, because the flying school will be your supervisor and person in charge while learning about paragliding and flying with paragliding.

Therefore, make sure to have a flying school that is trusted and professional in its field. Look for as much information as possible before deciding to enter or take which course.

2. Fulfil Flying Learning Requirements

Not everyone can learn to fly with paragliding. Because this sport is very physically demanding and courage from those who do. So, you must meet the basic requirements first before you can start learning.

Usually, people who study must be at least 17 years old. However, there are some service providers that limit the age to only 14 years. If you are eyeing to get a solo flying license. So, you have to prepare yourself to pass various exams.

In addition, health problems are also an important requirement. It is forbidden to study if you have certain health problems. For example, phobias of heights, heart disease, or diseases related to respiratory problems. Because it will harm your body.

3. Start By Flying Tandem

When you first fly or early you learn about flying. Of course, you should not fly alone right away. However, that doesn't mean you have to learn from the ground and have no chance to fly at all.

At the beginning of the lesson, you will usually be invited to fly tandem first. Tandem flying is a paragliding flight performed by two people. One acts as one driver as a passenger.

Flying tandem is also part of the lesson because it is usually at this time of flying. Instructors will practice ways of flying in the air and controlling paragliding. Even though you have got the material and flown in tandem.

You better not rush to fly solo first. Make sure you already have the knowledge and experience of flying enough tandem.

Those are tips for learning to fly with paragliding, here are also various things that must be considered when doing it. Learning paragliding is not easy, but not impossible either. If you are indeed interested, learn how to fly with FunFly.

We are a place to sell paragliding equipment, parachutes and others.

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PT. FUNFLY DIRGANTARA INDONESIA Authorised Distributor of Indonesian Ozone Parachute Products Jl. Pluit Raya Plot XII BLOCK A.5 , Penjaringan Village, Penjaringan District, North Jakarta, DKI JAKARTA, Indonesia, 14440 North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Call Harry 085218818888 Website

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