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Reliable Sale and Purchase of Paramotor Ultralight Ultralight Microtrike Equipment

Microlight is a light aircraft that is cheaper when compared to a real plane. Microlight aircraft have various types such as ultralight, trike and paramotor. Buying and selling Paratrike microlight ultralight paramotor equipment is often sought after by sportsmen.

When using this plane, someone will feel happier because they will be exposed to the wind directly. The three planes don't have walls, so it gives a different sensation if someone uses them for sports or just to entertain themselves.

Paratrike Microlight Specifications

Jual beli peralatan Paratrike microlight ultralight paramotor

Paramotors that do not use slings, but use wheels and are often called Paratrikes. The pilot or driver does not need to carry the engine, but only needs to sit on the wheeled vehicle after the parachute is spread on the ground and the engine is turned on.

Once the pilot is ready to fly, the pilot can pull the gas lever and the particles accelerate down the runway. The parachute will then inflate and the paramotor will also be airborne. This term is often referred to as the wheel launch. Paratrike with Rotax engine can fly up to 4 hours.

Ultralight Paramotor Specifications

If in the past the paramotor engines used ranged from 80-250 cc, it is different from now Ultralight aircraft engines have a capacity of 500-1,200 cc such as the Rotax 582 and Rotax 912 which can be used on paramotors. To get quality aircraft, you can buy them on Funfly.

Buying and selling of paramotor microlight ultralight paratrike equipment must be carried out selectively by prospective sellers or buyers. This relates to the suitability of the goods to be sold or purchased. Buyers or sellers can check the specifications of the aircraft to be bought and sold.

With a larger aircraft capacity, it certainly affects the load on the aircraft while flying. The greater engine power, makes the pilot more flexible in flying the plane. Meanwhile, for the fuel, the paramotor engine uses Pertamax.

Paramotor Vs Ultralight in terms of weight

1. Paramotor

Paramotor weighs around 30 kg, making it easier for you to launch to the location. The aircraft wing weighs about 6 kg, which the pilot or driver must carry to the launch site using the motor on his back.


Ultralight aircraft have a maximum weight of 115 Kg. This aircraft is easy to use by one person without having to ask for help from others. However, when you are going to push it up you need help from others.

Paramotor Vs Ultralight Storage

1. Paramotor

When the paramotor is not used for flying, you can store it in the garage or in the warehouse. Buying and selling paramotor microlight ultralight paratrike equipment that cannot be done arbitrarily is the reason paramotor aircraft must be stored and cared for properly.


Storage of ultralight aircraft can be carried out in an air hangar at the local field. However, this requires a lot of money. However, if you have the patience to disassemble the plane after the flight. The disassembled aircraft will fit in a van or trailer.

Paramotor Vs Ultralight Takeoff and Landing

1. Paramotor

Paramotor can be launched in a very narrow space, on rough ground and also long grass. The take-off distance of the aircraft can be done in about 15 meters in the wind, so it is very light with a minimum distance of 1 meter or one step in strong winds.

At the time of landing, the paramotor requires a distance of about 30 meters to make a swooping motion in light winds. The wind is very strong, allowing the pilot or driver to land with just a few steps.


The smallest Ultralights require a range of around 35 meters for launch. Launching of this type of aircraft requires short grass, and smooth ground. But it would be preferable if the runway is special.

The Ultralight requires a range of approximately 120 meters for a safe approach and landing. So that the pilot or driver can pay attention to the flight location until it lands, so that when flying and landing it is more comfortable.

Paramotor Vs Ultralight Speed ​​and Distance

1. Paramotor

With wind at zero, the paramotor has a top speed of around 30 MPH. Paramotor wings are also provided with various choices, and several variables. Paramotor 2 requires about 4 liters of fuel. Some tanks can hold up to 14 litres.


Ultralight top speeds vary widely between models. However, you can pilot this plane at about 65 mph. The flight time range of an ultralight aircraft depends on the aircraft as well as the engine.

Reliable Sale and Purchase of Paramotor Ultralight Ultralight Microtrike Equipment

To get quality and reliable aircraft, you can buy them on Funfly. You can see information about prices and specifications on the official Funfly website, so what you want can be as expected.

Driving paramotor and Ultralight planes is a lot of fun. However, one can do some training first. This is done so one is able to know the tools needed to fly an airplane, so that the flight can run smoothly.

Interestingly, driving these two planes can make someone more youthful, because they feel entertained by this technology. To get a durable aircraft, one can look for planes in trusted places.

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