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Parajet Paramotor Engine, Maverick, Zenith, and Evolution 3

Paramotor is a means for anyone who wants to do sports on the air. Paramotor parajet is part of the equipment that completes a paramotor set. This tool is even the most important and crucial part that affects whether or not you can fly.

A paramotor must have a parajet that can function properly. In, there are choices of parajets from several variations of brands. Each has different advantages, but still related to pilot comfort.

Getting to know Paramotor

There are at least two types of paramotors that currently many people use to fly. The first type relies on wheels so you can slide, while the second type uses your feet directly.

In the gliding type with legs, the frame as well as the engine together confines the propeller. The seat that the pilot sits on is connected by a buckle to the back. Meanwhile, the wheel launch type has a wagon with 3 or 4 wheels and a seat for the pilot.

Parajet Paramotor

parajet paramotor

Parajet paramotor or paramotor engine is a part that is also known as a propulsion engine in the paramotor flight mechanism. The tool itself is relatively concise and you can easily disassemble it in just a few minutes. The pilot uses this engine and parachute to determine course.

There are 80 cc and 350 cc machines. The fuel is a mixture of oil and gasoline. You can use up to about 3.7 liters of fuel per hour. Although it depends on the weight of the motor, the efficiency of the paraglider, the skill of the pilot and environmental conditions.

The paramotor machine that people usually use actually weighs up to 40 kg. The weight will be reduced, as the engine is operating. When the engine is running, the heavy load from the engine will be replaced by forward thrust.

Range of Parajet Paramotor Products

There are three types of paramotor engine or parajet products that are widely circulating in the market today, namely:

1. Parajet Maverick

Parajet Maverick paramotor is a parajet that is all perfect. Despite its simplicity and brilliant design, the fuselage is made of tough titanium.

The frame design is light, but solid. There is a layer of Titanium Dioxide which can keep the parajet from rusting or corroding.

2. Parajet Zenith

Zenith's parajet paramotor has a unique and recalcitrant design for adventure needs. Innovative design that you can carry around easily.

The form is functional and without wasted parts. Its simplicity makes it easy for you to assemble, replace components, or repair it.

3. Parajet Evolution 3

Evolution 3 is known for its toughness. For pilots with a large body weight, it will be safe to use this parajet.

Even though it looks solid and heavy, it can still maneuver agile and dynamic. You can still control it efficiently, while being safe and comfortable.

Improved Paramotor Engine

Paramotor engines have now increased in capacity compared to before, between 80 and 250 cc. So you can use engines from ultralight aircraft such as the Rotax 582 or 912 for paramotors. The bigger engine affects the function of the paramotor itself.

Currently, paramotors are not just for enjoying the view from the air alone, or flying casually to fill spare time. Paramotor can finally also act as a tandem for parachutists. Another function is also to drop logistics needs in certain areas.

Its use is becoming increasingly widespread. Through a machine with a larger capacity, the load that the paramotor can carry also increases between 100 to 125 kg. This does not include the pilot's weight. The pilot himself also gets greater freedom and longer duration during flight.

How to Fly by Types of Paramotors

There are only two types of paramotor that currently exist and people usually use, namely carrying and wheeled vehicles. The carrying paramotor places the engine by carrying it on the pilot's back. The carrying paramotor relies on leg movements to run forward and take off.

Also known as foot launch. After you start the engine, inflate the parachute. Only then did the pilot accelerate on his feet and take to the air. Meanwhile, the type of paramotor with wheeled vehicles also has another name, namely paratrike.

Place the machine on the wheeled vehicle. So you just sit. After opening the parachute, start the engine, then pull the gas lever on the vehicle. The paratrike then accelerates down the runway and the parachute deploys and you're airborne. It's called a wheel launch.

Paramotor Parajet Maintenance

There are already many maintenance places now, both for all paramotors and for the parajet engines. Although there are also many pilots who can do their own maintenance. Usually they refer to the manual from the manufacturer.

One of them is to replace the spark plug after 25 hours of use. Also carbonize after 50 hours of use. As for the propellers, as long as they don't crash with anything, then it's safe and pretty durable. Just do regular checks to observe.

The paramotor parajet is the part that should get the most attention in the whole paramotor. Because the work of your flight depends on the quality of these parts. You can buy the parajets you need most through Funfly, because we are the official distributors of Indonesian parajets.


Distributor Resmi Produk Parasut Ozone Indonesia

Jl. Pluit Raya Kavling XII BLOK A.5 , Kelurahan Penjaringan, Kecamatan Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, DKI JAKARTA, Indonesia, 14440

Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta

Hubungi Harry 085218818888

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