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Ozone Angel SQ Version 2 Reserve Parachute: Advanced Design for Airborne Safety

Ozone Angel SQ Version 2 backup parachute can be a good choice for safety during air sports. Reserve parachutes are very important for sports such as paragliding and paragliding.

Because it is part of the safety of doing this sport, you should not be careless in determining which backup parachute product to use. The Ozone product development team recommends the Ozone Angel SQ version 2 with its many advantages.

As the newest product and massively introduced by Ozone. This spare parachute offers many advantages compared to the previous product. Its existence is not only as a parachute just in case. However, increasing security while in the air.

Pros of Ozone Angel SQ Version 2 Reserve Parachute

It's not without reason that this backup parachute product is highly recommended by the Ozone development team. Because it has many advantages in its development. The spare parachute product in the Ozone Angel series is known to be a superior product.

However, in the development of the version, many things have been improved. Making this backup parachute product better in every series. No wonder, this brand highly recommends this parachute for you. For complete information, here are the various advantages of this one spare parachute:

1. Improvement in the Aspect of Stability

Stability is a very important aspect of a backup parachute. This has also become a major concern in the development of the Ozone Angel SQ version 2 reserve parachute. This one reserve parachute adopts a modern design and maneuverability.

Compared to using a square shape which has been proven to have better stability than a circular shape which is a traditional shape. This is also supported by a wide and wide surface of the parachute.

So that it has better power, the size and adaptation of the size of the reserve parachute have also been adjusted. So, the stability will suit the needs of flying without burdening it as a backup parachute.

2. Light and Not Burdensome

When compared to many spare parachute size products from Ozone in the Angel SQ series, this one is indeed larger and has a wider surface area. This is to support the stability power mentioned earlier.

Ideally, the bigger the parachute, the heavier the load. For the size of the reserve parachute, ideally it should not be too big. Because it can be burdensome when in the middle of a flight.

However, this Ozone Angel SQ is different. Although the surface area is relatively larger. However, this spare parachute is guaranteed not to burden you during logging. Because it is designed and made of lightweight materials and materials.

3. Improved Sink Rate

In addition to stability, sink rate is an important aspect of using a backup parachute. Sink rate is a warning system for pilots. When the body is approaching the surface or obstacle in front of it.

This system makes it easier for the reserve parachute to open and is an important system for maintaining your safety during flight. Because of that, Ozone designed Angel SQ Version 2 by increasing the system sink rate.

This is also related to the resulting stability. Because it produces an efficient pendulum effect that triggers a sink rate system to be more responsive. The inner layer of this parachute has a wide surface to increase the sink rate and the safety function of the backup parachute itself.

4. Simple but Functional Design

When compared to the main parachute, not many people think about the backup parachute design. With the main concept of Angel, Ozone gives this series a plain white color. With detailed indentation which is an important point in its stability and sink rate.

The development of this spare parachute product does not focus on design and appearance. However, for design and functionality, this does not mean that the appearance of this backup parachute is unattractive.

Clean white color has become the trademark of this product series. The design and safety features are like angels who will protect your safety during the flight.

5. Quality Materials

Ozone Angel SQ Version 2 reserve parachute uses super high quality parachute material. It is a combination of Porcher PN9 and Cousin Dyneema lines which are the best for parachute material.

Especially, in the aspect of maximizing performance and durability in use. This material is also known for its ease of packaging because of its very light weight and flexible parachute fabric.

This guarantees easy access, lightness, but high performance from this backup parachute. Porcher N9 is arguably the best material for reserve parachutes at this time.

Ozone Angel SQ Version 2 backup parachute product can be the right choice to keep your flight safe. Find this spare parachute for your flying needs only at right now.

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