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Must Try! These are 6 Paragliding Spots in Bali!

Paragliding activities have been famous abroad for a long time, but only recently have been popular in Indonesia. One of the best paragliding spots is the Island of the Gods of Bali. With all its natural beauty, paragliding in Bali will release the burden of your mind for a moment.

Paragliding itself is quite extreme, because you have to jump from the top of a high cliff. You will land with the help of a parachute. Eat it, it is important to choose the right equipment. Check out the next information in the following article.

Paragliding Advantage

Paragliding is a free-flying sport. So, the athletes do this sport by flying in wide space. When flying, the main aid of this sport is a parachute that will lift the athlete's body.

For starters, athletes must first run from mountains or hillsides in order to fly. Then, athletes can land using their feet to land perfectly.

In this case, the wind greatly affects the movement of the parachute. Eating it, you have to fly when the weather is good to ensure your safety and security.

Although it is an extreme sport, many people are interested in trying this sport. The reason is also because there are many advantages, such as:

  1. Improves body balance. Paragliding will work the core muscles at the top and centre.

  2. It also trains the inner and outer thigh muscles to make them stronger

  3. Burn calories faster because it spurs adrenaline, so you can lose weight easily and pleasantly

  4. Triggers a sense of vigour and increases energy

  5. Bringing a positive aura because when above the height, you can enjoy the natural scenery for a moment. Of course this can make you feel happier and calmer

  6. Minimising stress and releasing the burden of the mind

  7. Helps overcome fear, especially for those of you who have a phobia of heights

  8. Increase self-confidence because paragliding requires great courage Feel more emotionally free, because you will plunge from the blue sky to the mainland

Paragliding Spot in Bali

paralayang di bali

One of the best places to do paragliding is in Bali. The Island of the Gods holds thousands of natural wealth, so it is suitable for you to see from above. What are the paragliding spots that you can try in Bali? Check out the following list.

1. Bukit Riug

If you want to try paragliding with high seas spots and beautiful white sand, you can visit Riug Hill. This coastal area is located in the Sawangan area. You will get a special service if you want to do paragliding.

On this hill, the field area is also very large. You can use it for landing or take off. When flying, your eyes will be spoiled with a very beautiful view. For beginners, it is better to use tandem paragliding to make it safer.

2. Bukit Timbis

The next paragliding spot in Bali is Bukit Timbis. This paragliding location will be filled with paratrooper, especially during holidays. You will see various colourful parachutes plunging from the top of the cliff.

If you do paragliding here, you will feel the sensation of crossing the air. The journey will take place about 12 km above an altitude of 300 metres. After getting tired of doing paragliding, you can enjoy the beauty of a super exotic beach.

3. Tanjung Benoa

Next, you can do paragliding in Tanjung Benoa. This tour offers a variety of extreme sports, including paragliding. Offering a view of the beauty of the beach, Tanjung Benoa is worth visiting with your family.

Not only paragliding, this tour also provides other rides such as jetski and banana boat. The price is fairly cheap, so you can be satisfied to pamper yourself here.

However, you should not come during holidays. When the liba holiday, the beach will be full of tourists, so your wiggle room will be limited.

4. Taman Harmoni

Next, there is the paragliding spot of Taman Harmoni. The park is located above Asah Hill, Karangasem. This spot offers the beauty of the fascinating hills.

You can try paragliding tandem or solo on this hill. Unmitigated, even when flying you will also be presented with views of three beaches. Meanwhile, the beaches are Candidasa Beach, Bias Putih Beach, and Pasih Kelod Beach.

5. Pandawa BEACH

Looking for paragliding photo spots with international standards? So, it's right for you to visit Pandawa Beach. This beach is famous for its beauty.

Paragliding activities here are fairly safe, because they have a professional supervisory team.

6. Nyang-nyang BEACH

Lastly, there is Nyang-nyang Beach. This beach is suitable for you to visit with your partner because the atmosphere is very romantic. When flying, you will see the beauty of the golden coastline from above the height.

Before paragliding, you must have adequate equipment. For example parachutes, helmets, paramotors, and so on. You need to buy from a trusted place, such as

Our service is very optimal in meeting the needs of paragliding sports. Cooperating with well-known brands, of course we as a place to sell paragliding equipment are experienced and professional. That way, your activities at a number of paragliding spots in Bali are more guaranteed to be safe.

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